Strength and balance exercises are essential for healthy ageing.

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But remember:

Exercise should be comfortable and fun!

Periodic stretching and exercise at home is ideal for people of all ages, especially the elderly. As we all grow old, the tissue in our joints changes. Muscles become weaker and bones more brittle. We can help to combat these ageing effects by undertaking periodic exercise and stretching.

Community Physio Ltd. can help you to get the most out of your home exercise programme with help and advice from our expert physiotherapists. Some best practice advice is shown below.

Pre-Exercise Checks

Step 1 - Pre-Exercise Checks

Before you start exercising, we recommend that you speak to your doctor and have a routine checkup. This is always the best course of action, especially if you haven't exercised for a while.

While exercising, if you experience chest pain, dizziness or severe shortness of breath, stop immediately and contact your Doctor (GP).

If you experience pain in your joints or muscles, stop, check your position and try again. If the pain persists seek medical advice or speak to a member of our team

And remember: where there is pain and strain – there is no gain !

Safety & Prep

Step 2 - Safety & Preparation

Stretching and simple exercise on a Chair is a good start. However, before you start ensure that the chair you use is sturdy and stable.

Remember to wear comfortable clothes and supportive footwear and prepare an adequate a space so that you can move without fear of injury.

Exercise bands are a great way to perform light exercise and stretching. Ensure you have your exercise band ready and to hand before you start. Exercise bands can be purchased from most sports stores or from us at Community Physio. If you don't have an exercise band, you can use  tea-towels or tights instead.

We will tailor and individual stretching and exercise program for you, which will include some mutually agreed targets and objectives and milestone markers along your journey.

So, give us a call and get started !