There are many benefits of doing sports but sometimes minor or serious injuries can happen.

You can try to prevent a sports injury by warming up and cooling down properly before and after taking part in a sport but occasionally this doesn't work.

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If you have a minor injury then taking a few weeks off from doing the sport will help this to heal properly, but if you carry on doing the sport then it will most likely make it worse. If your injury is severe and doesn't appear to be getting better by itself, then you might have to have physiotherapy. We can help !

Physiotherapy will stretch your muscles out and relax them so that you can recover and get back to playing your favourite sports quicker.

Community Physio Ltd. will help your recovery with home-care treatment and a personalised rehabilitation program tailored to you. During this program, for optimum results, it is important than you don't overexert and do much that could increase the damage.

If you have broken a bone from doing a sport then you may have to have physiotherapy after it is healed so that your muscle can get used to being worked again. Please contact us if you would like more information.