A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is caused by repetitively conducting a certain movement or over using a muscle or ligament. The result can be severe pain and incapacitation.

Post operation recovery

Small changes to your everyday lifestyle and working environment can help. For example, if you are experiencing back pain from sitting in a office chair all day then make a change to your chair, get a more comfortable one to suit your needs or even bring a pillow to rest your back on.

However, if your RSI is more serious and you are struggling with the pain and symptoms then physiotherapy may be the answer. We can help !

Community Physio Ltd. can provide home support and a personalised treatment plan to help relieve your repetitive strain injury pain and muscle hurt. We can also provide advice on posture as well as stretching and exercise to help you to relax your muscles and strengthen them.

For more information please contact us.